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Do I need a Contract?


What sort of Contract do I need?

If you have a professional advisor i.e. an Architect, Designer or Engineer they should be able to advise you on these matters and the type of contract that would suit you best.

If like the vast majority you do not, our advice is that any contract written and signed is better than no contract at all. A free printable contract for Minor Works is available in printable form at http://www.buildingadvice.co.uk    It is designed to allow for variations and by entering a tender cost at the outset should prevent costs spiralling out of control.

Are there any contract's you can use that are free of charge?

Yes. A printable contract is available at www.buildingadvice.co.uk

Are there other contracts that I can use?

Yes. A contact for Minor works JCT plain english edition can be found at www.fmb.org.uk

What are they?

As stated above your professional advisor can inform you of what is available.

There are often sample contracts in the "Which Book of Home Improvements" and sometimes in the "Which Book of D.I.Y."

You can obtain various type of building contracts in pre-printed form from Her Majesty's Bookshops.

Contracts for Minor Works are available from the Royal Institute of British Architects.

Simple Rules

Any contract is better than no contract.

Try to think of all the items you think you need before you enter a contract. There is provision for alterations and additions but the fewer there are the better.

If the builder you have chosen does not want to sign your contract find another builder.

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